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Forum rules
Must be a registered user to use this function. Please be aware of potential scams. Wingman Foil Club does its best to identify scammers, but all transactions are at the user's own risk.
Please report potential scammers and we will do our best to ban them.
Do due diligence before completing a purchase and avoid high risk payment options such as PayPal "gift" payments, wire transfers, Western Union, etc. Use PayPal credit card payments, or other systems that protect you from fraud.
Must be a registered user to use this function. Please be aware of potential scams. Wingman Foil Club does its best to identify scammers, but all transactions are at the user's own risk.
Please report potential scammers and we will do our best to ban them.
Do due diligence before completing a purchase and avoid high risk payment options such as PayPal "gift" payments, wire transfers, Western Union, etc. Use PayPal credit card payments, or other systems that protect you from fraud.